Sometimes life gets incredibly crazy. I’ve learned, when things are incredibly busy, to take advantage of little opportunities that make me smile. Like this one.
Recently, I had the pleasure of test knitting for a famous sock designer for said designer’s upcoming book (I could tell you, but I’d have to kill you). A five day deadline wasn’t going to be difficult, but the delayed release of the pattern for testing came, during a week that was already booked solid, proved to be a challenge. Included in the busy-ness was a hair appointment.
Knowing that there would be a good amount of knitting time available while my hair “processed”, it was a no brainer to take the knitting with me. Surely not the first time. (And that's as much of the sock as your going to get to see for the time being...I could show you, but then I'd have get the picture!) Anyway, my week had also been a bit crazy and I found myself wishing that my hairdresser still dispensed wine with appointments. That’s when I decided to do something a little crazy and bring my own “beverage”. I poured my “poison” into one of my coffee travel mugs and then poured it into one of the hairdresser’s iced tea glasses as soon as I got to the shop.
It was the simple pleasure of feeling like I’d “gotten away” with something that made me smile…and gave me the jolt of pleasure that helped me keep on smiling throughout the week. When life gets crazy, I’ve learned it’s important to do crazy little things that’ll help me smile and remind me that crazy is what we all are! My recommendation to you is: When life gets crazy, throw a little crazy right back at life!